British Values Statement

At Great Wakering Primary Academy we ensure that British Values are fundamental throughout the ethos of the school and are core to our explicit and hidden curriculum at all times. All curriculum areas provide comprehensive opportunities for furthering the understanding of the four core British values. In particular, our R.E, P.S.H.E and Talk for Change lessons provide excellent opportunities to deepen knowledge and further understanding. The school is set up in faculty departments and they ensure British values are core to their work. Children at Great Wakering Primary Academy embrace the concept of British values with enthusiasm.

The school ensures that pupils gain experiences beyond their local community by providing children with visits which embrace the British values. These experiences include: Sporting events, Residential visits, Visits to religious and multi-cultural establishments. The strong values promoted through the ethos of the school prepares the children of Great Wakering Primary Academy for future learning and life opportunities where they will embrace difference and celebrate all cultures.

Mutual respect and the tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Statement - Respect is a fundamental value that is taught throughout all areas of the visible and discrete curriculum. Respect is one of the core values (Aspire, Achieve, Respect) fundamental to our teaching at Great Wakering Primary Academy. We pay specific attention to respect through R.E, P.S.H.E and Talk 4 Change.

Evidence - Broad and balanced RE and PSHE curriculumRecords of Talk 4 Change sessions.  Classroom rulesTermly analysis of class behaviour logs.  British Values Display.  Collective Worship assemblies promote an understanding of faiths.  Children visit places of worship that are important to different faiths e.g. St Nicholas Church in Great Wakering and the Synagogue in Westcliff. 

Impact - Children can articulate why respect is important; how they show respect for themselves and each other.  Children’s behaviour demonstrates respect for themselves and each other.  Children can talk about different faiths and cultures that they learn about and they consistently show respect and tolerance for the faiths and beliefs and other within the local community.


Statement - The children of Great Wakering Primary Academy witness democracy at work in many ways, through having an input in their planning to having a say in school improvement during Talk for Change meetings. The children see democracy as a core function of a successfully working community including our school community.

Evidence - The establishment of new Talk for Change leaders each year demonstrates the democratic process.  Children regularly make choices about their own learning e,g. cooking choices in DT, Year 6 enterprise project.  Collaborative work is displayed around the school.  The children participate in debating lessons.  Talk for Change ensures that our pupil voice is recognised and listened to.  Every Year, children decide through a democratic process their classroom rules.  Pupils in Year 4 learn about democracy through their Ancient Greece theme.

Impact - Children are constantly able to work in pairs, with talk partners and in small groups as well as in whole class situations. They understand about turn taking and show respect for each other through their actions in the classroom and throughout the school environment.  Children throughout the school use appropriate and respectful language and behaviour logs support this.

Rule of Law

Statement - The children of Great Wakering Primary Academy understand this concept as it is a core principle of their work throughout the school, particularly in R.E and P.S.H.E. Children formulate their own classroom rules and are confident in debating laws/rules and their application. Children understand that rules and laws vary in different cultures and religions and they are respectful of this.

Evidence - Children help to formulate Classroom rules, understanding actions and consequences.  Golden rules and presentation rules are displayed in classrooms.  Behaviour policy and logs.  P.S.H.E lesson observations.  Classroom monitors/helpers.  Talk for Change Minutes and record sheets.  Pupils in Year 6 learn about the changes to law through their Victorian theme.  PE expectations.  Home/School agreement. (signed by pupils, parents and teachers)

Impact - Children understand and are able to articulate how we behave in school and in society and why this is necessary.  They are able to debate laws and rules and philosophical issues relating to these.

Individual Liberty

Statement - We encourage children to recognise their own qualities and be confident and resilient learners with high levels of self-esteem. Children’s academic and non-academic achievements are recognised and celebrated by all members of the school community. The school has strong links with the Children’s University which recognises individual achievements.

Evidence - Children’s University Graduation reports.  Children are able to show independence in their learning e.g.  free play in reception and choosing their own challenges within lessons ks1/2.  The children are resilient learners who enjoy working out of their comfort zone and they are able to think for themselves. They use strategies such as the 4Bs to embrace challenges.  Broad and balanced PSHE curriculum.  Homework presentations.  Show and Tell’ opportunities.  Sharing/celebration assembly.  Children use ReflectED to reflect on their own learning, achievements and goals.  Pupils in Year 6 learn about the changes to society through their Victorian theme.  Collective Worship assemblies promote independence and resilience.

Impact - Children understand the importance in accepting responsibility for their learning and value their individual voice within the school community.  They are resilient learners who are determined to succeed and realise that there is no glass ceiling to their learning.